Akashganga Archives




Daily Study Log 1

Names: Ram Pietrovich and Abdullah Martin, Lagrangians from the Jovian System
Profession: Interstellar Mechanics, Class III

Both subjects were observed on a mechanical dirigible on the way to a report of a malfunction of the Kardashev abyssal panels around their central sol.  Prima facie evidence points to recent mega flares, which have been occurring with increasing frequency. Though currently well within the limits of ever reaching the Chandrashekhar Arrested Limit, they do not know that continuous harvesting and comet bombardment to increase the photon output means their sol will continue beyond the red giant stage and collapse their solar system.

It does not seem that these two will be able to reach in time and tell their species of the same. Slingshot manoeuvres are an extremely inefficient way for this purpose. Our lasercomm heard the following conversation:

Ram: “Sigh. We need a hyperdrive. Or even a phasal transporter. We can’t keep using slingshot every time an abyssal mirror breaks. And this time we don’t even have a skycrane. I have complained to Master Hirochi for the third time and he’s promised another dispensation in front of the Progress Council.”

Abdullah: “Damn the Council and damn Hirochi. I am telling you Prof. Ambedkar is right. Unless we Langrangians don’t strike, the Colonists and Originals will never allow us to progress. You have been here for what, 15 years? And you are still a third class? And stuck with me, in a mechanical dirigible. To an abyssal mirror.”

Ram: “No no. Hirochi is not like that. And it is fine. You are young. And you need to stop listening to Prof. Ambedkar. We are who we are.”

Abdullah: “We are who we are. It is because of you we stay like this. The Boneless they call us. And why will Hirochi help? He is a colonist too. You need to open your eyes!”

Ram: “That’s enough! We’ll not talk about this.”


Daily Study Log 2

Name: Master Hirochi Tagahito, Colonist from Trans-Neptunian Colony Oort 3.4
Profession: Head of Mechanical Subsistence, Energy

Lasercomm interception:

“Honourable Council, good light-time.”

“Yes, Master Hirochi. This is the third time you have approached the Council this revolution. We Originals also have work you know. Please do not tell us it is the same request.”

“Of course, of course. Not at all. It is different…but not that different. You see there has been another mirror breakdown. And this time it seems more dangerous. I was wondering if the council could grant a hyperdrive for the mechanics.”

“You know we cannot allow Langrangians to use hyperdrive. You knew this request will be denied. How dare you?”

“What Councillor Smith means to say is that obviously you have a different plan in mind. And you are smiling. Mayhaps it has something to do with your friend over there.”

“Councillor Shenbing is most wise. Your Honours, this is my friend Joseph Subramaniam. He is a miner, and like me from the Oort colonies. He just finished harvesting Dihydrogen Monoxide from a passing comet. Luckily I managed to track him as he directed the remnants into Sol.”

“Wait, isn’t it he who petitioned to mine Halley’s? Our Terran legacy? Which we are striving to preserve.”

“Um yes…yes, but he apologizes profusely, Councillor Smith. I have brought him here, because he is retiring and is offering his phasal transporter to the Energy Department. This will help us repair the mirrors faster. I would like the Council to release funds for the same.”

“A working phasal transporter. How did a Colonist get his hands on one? Speak Miner Subramaniam!”

“I inherited it from my father. He was an Original. He was the one who taught me how to disrupt gravity and molecular singularity to unite space. I am offering it very cheaply. Just three million units.”

“The Council will think about it. Thank you, gentlemen. Dismissed. Solux Aeterna!”

“Solux Aeterna!”


Daily Study Log 3

Names: Joseph Smith, Original, surviving on Olympus Mons Ridge 3
Lu Shenbing, Original, surviving on Olympus Mons Ridge 3

Lu Shenbing was observed accepting an invitation to visit the quarters of Joseph Smith. After a greeting of “Solux Aeterna”, Lu Shenbing seemed agitated. There was great gesticulation and Lu Shenbing put on her external mask and came out on the terrace overlooking the terraformed Tharsis Quad. Joseph Smith followed behind her and our lasercomm then picked up parts of the conversation. Because of Asteroid Interference, this is a paraphrased version. Reader discretion advised.

-The phasal transporter is an Einsteinsend, Lu. You know we can finally get the remnants of Sputnik back. Imagine that! It is our cultural imperative!
-But even with the phasal transporter, it will cost trillions of units. If the Master is right, and several Original sci-sages also confirm the flare issue, we need to give it to Energy department.
-But what about our responsibility? Even after including the Satborn, we barely number anything. Unless we have such symbols, how will we hold onto power? We need to give the Lagrangians and the Colonists to something to look up to.
-We can, with the trillion units we save. We’ll give them gravitational machines so that their bones grow. We will give the colonists a hyperdrive so that they can get more water for all us!
-No! No! No! You are missing the point. Once we have Sputnik somewhere between Deimos and Phobos, it will pay for itself! The pilgrimages alone!
-It is a waste of units and a transporter. But you have the votes. I can’t even depend on Herr Eckhart anymore. And you know that. Do what you want. But I have a very bad feeling about this mirror business.

At this moment, Lu Shenbing went back inside. After a brief word, she gestured “Solux Aeterna!” and exited Joseph Smith’s quarters and returned to her own.





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