Early Morning Musings Part 1



There. The first word has to be that. So what if I have never experienced it? Rather, I have, but unfortunately have never been on the receiving end. I am not a romantic. But if my four-line poem has to go viral on instagram, this was a good start. Or even on twitter for that matter. But why an entire line? Just random words strung together would do, my glass of wine recommended. Four words-four lines. As long as someone with a good number of followers liked it, there was potential.
Hell, if people’s self-evaluated sob stories or woke posts can attract reactions, why not? I am not 8facts or urbanfacts, I can write unverified randomness. A host of hashtags are a sign of legitimacy. Anyway,


Hmm. What next. This wine is nice...Oh!

Like a lonely wineglass.

Or better,

Like a lonely glass of red wine.

Yeah. Fill it with visuals. Sure, can add one of those colourful heart stickers. There might even be a wine-glass clinking edit sticker when I upload it as a story. Or should it be a simple black background. No. Too ttt. Has to seem original. For a change, this will be original content too. #nofilter. Lol. The worst will come later. Acknowledging others who share my story in their posts in my story. Mutual narcissism is so wonderful. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. The selfish gene is taking us back to the trees.
Back to work.

Like a lonely glass of red wine.

Fine. Pine. Line. Wtf? A rhyme scheme? Really? Individualism has a standardized definition: blank-verse. Wow.

Remains an unappreciated blank-verse.

Oh people will find meaning. If they want others to emote to their photos of parties they attended, food they are eating, places they are visiting, merely on the basis of “lit” photos with typewriter text, they’ll find a way to put meaning in what I have written. Vicarious experience.
Yeah but those are photos. These are words. Can’t be sure that they can visualize anymore. Do they have imagination left? Even brownhistory has a photo. That bs Humans of XYZ has photos. This collection of words will need too. I should not mix IG stories with Whatsapp status and FB notes.
I need to look for the lowest common denominator. Someone who’ll magically find “a criticism of prevalent trend of social media mania taking over our lives” in this prose. That person needs to promote my story. Preferably on IG. So a photo is a must. And appropriate hashtags.
Arre yaar. Too much effort. Don’t even have a good phone with a camera. Photo will also be bad. Wait.

Like a lonely glass of red wine,
Remains an unappreciated blank-verse:
A blurred photograph.


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