Just Friends


It had been a month since he texted her. Should he, shouldn’t he? Sid had already typed out the message. So, what he wanted to do, was a long-foregone decision. What moral compass still kept him from pressing on the send button was beyond my understanding. But as his wisest, (and self-decidedly, best friend), I still said,

-Nako re. Kashala ugach dokyala shot?

Sid pressed anyway.

Her blue ticks were off. Knowing what was to pass was the same old cantankerous sound of a depleted vinyl record, I called for the waiter.

-Sunil, ek Blue Riband cha nip ani ek fresh lime soda. Ani he repeat kar. The last I said pointing to the left-over bones of chicken lollypop.

Ping. Sid’s phone buzzed.

-She replied. He whispered.

Wtf. She was supposed to ghost him. Why is she replying?

-Kay ala reply?
-She wants to talk.
-Fuck. What had you written?
-Kahi nahi. Just. “Hey. How are you? All fine?”

-Sid I don’t think you should talk to her…Divide kar doghat.

As Sid poured us the gin, my brain began whizzing. And it wasn’t the alcohol. Fuck fuck fuck. What does Preethi want to talk to him about? Is she going to tell him about us?

-Soda kiti?
-Baas baas.
I asked Sid to stop pouring any more mixers in me.

-Haan, so I was saying. Don’t talk to her.
-Arre pan ka? What if she wants to get back? You know she’s sorry for cheating on me.

This was my chance.
-Did she tell you whom she was cheating with? No na? Then why bother if that bitch doesn’t even want to be honest with you?
I angrily took a large gulp.

-Haan, so what if she hasn’t…

Thank God. I took another gulp.

Perhaps that IS what she wants to tell me.
-Then confirm. I don’t want you to have another breakdown if she just speaks gulugulu. Ask her what she wants to talk about. And if she’s ready to tell you his name, only then talk to her.

Sid looked at me.

-Hmm. Thike.

We both waited in silence. The lollypops came. So did the ping on Sid’s phone.

-She’s ready.
-Fuck. Seriously, she said that? Dakhav!
-I’m telling you, Preethi wants to get back. You told me to break up and I agreed ugach.
-Fuck off!
-She’s calling.
-Behen-speaker var taak. SPEAKER VAR TAAK.

-Hi Sid!
-Hi Preethi.
-I’m really sorry Sid. I didn’t mean to.
-Preethi I’m sorry. I still love yo

-Sir last order.

-Sid where are you?
-I’m out. At Raatrani…
-No. Not that stage yet. That was just the day you broke
-I didn’t. You did.
-Haan tech. No. I’m with Rohan.
-Oh. Then the phone must be on speaker. You let him control your life. It IS na?
-Preethi, he’s my close friend and cares about me...

Sunil came again. I just scribbled in the air, asking for the bill.

-Bye Sid. Call me again, when you are alone.

-I told you. She’s bluffing. And NO. You are not calling her again tonight. Atta I am just going to drop you home.
-Chill. I can drive.
-Siddharth, NO. I am not letting you drive in this avastha. I am your best friend. Trust me.

Fucking Preethi. I could sense hostility in Sid’s eyes. But he didn’t say anything.


What the fuck were you playing at? You were not supposed to call him until next week.

I was getting bored, so just accelerated the plan. Don’t cry. You call Ankitha tomorrow. Btw, Sid did not call back. One point to you.

I knew it. And cool. When are you meeting her?

Tomo. 6-ish. We are going to St. Drunkard’s at Magnum. Ladies’ hours.

Cool. Then get her to text me. Btw, if she calls back, I get bonus points, since I was not ready for this until next week.

Fine. Good luck. I have more control over Ankitha than you have over Sid.

Thanks love. By the way, what are you wearing?

I thought you’d never ask…



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