
Showing posts from May, 2022

Sabka Malik Ek

  TW: Suicide,  Abuse   Advay could not comprehend what was happening. He was numbly following instructions that this portly priest was telling him. His father’s body stank beside him. He remembered the time his father had got cotton candy for him. He remembered the time he got his first video game. And the cartridge: 999 Games in 1. He remembered when his father caught him watching porn – he had thought he was clever enough to hide it by deleting the browsing history. But his father still caught him somehow. He hadn’t scolded him. Merely counselled. He remembered his first Activa, and the first accident. His father did not say anything about the mangled heap of the bike. Just bought him a helmet with the next one. He remembered his father fighting with his mom regarding him. He remembered his father kicking out Harish from the Arts department, whom he had loved. “You are not gay” he had shouted. Advay still felt nausea when he remembered the pills he was forced to swallow to “co