
Showing posts from February, 2022

Early Morning Musings Part 8

Literature is a very powerful substance to get high on and can be both an upper and downer and everything in between. Take Murakami i.e. 1Q84. While the beginning was slow and tedious like drinking brandy neat, Parts II and III go down sweetly like honey. This is in stark contrast to Churchill’s six-volume history of the Second World War. Like a good scotch from start to end, I was drinking it down in gulps like somras. But if you are a cocktail person – getting drunk quickly – short and sweet and high – what other than a Tintin comic – or if you are Old Fashioned, an Agatha Christie? However, if you need to forget him, or her, or them, or all of them, then there are a plethora of Russians ready to serve you and give meaning to your existence - the Karamazovs, Raskolnikov, Anna, the Rostovs or even Lolita. All garnished with enough layers so that you forget everyone else. And if you are drinking to make futile arguments, which in the end mean nothing. Which you don’t mind forgetting af