
Showing posts from November, 2021

Automate, Integrate, Eliminate!

  Sharad woke up on time. He quickly rinsed his mouth, had two bananas his wife had kept ready, wore his shirt and leapt into the bus. Today was the Annual Day. He had to get the kids on time. So he had told all of them to be ready 10 minutes early. Or else… Sharad had transported kids to Vidya Niketan since the school first began, which was 22 years ago. He had watched kids grow up from Jr. Kg all the way to 10 th . Several batches. He was still in touch with many. He had seen fights, romances, projects, bags, new bottles, chocolate and wada pav wrappers, pepsicola too, and wet seats during holi. The kids pierced their bottle tops to let out a stream of water, and he would scold them every year. But none of those days were more important than today. Today, 22 years later, his comrades and him, were on the line. A new principal had appeared. She wanted to centralize. Make everything more efficient. With reports, and something called the "performance index". Sharad had n

Death of a Salesman

  Every Whatsapp ping beat upon Manoj’s head like a hailstone. And for him, every hailstone was the size of a meteor that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct. "Let me fucking finish my drink in peace", he muttered to himself. So what if he was supposed to be at his desk? So what if he was drinking on the terrace instead of attending his first deliverable meeting? So what if he had not completed his work, and that the client was going to escalate the issue? His mother had died yesterday, he could finish one drink in peace. He was entitled to that much at least, he surmised. Manoj? Where r u Manoj? Manoj the mtng has started... Manoj can u at least send the completed file? Manoj, Santosh is asking for you! You had personally vouched to deliver... Fucking MANOJ WER AREU BLOODY PICK UP MANOJ ?????????? Ashwini’s messages went unanswered as she entered Ishita’s cabin. Her boss took one look at her face and stood up, and asked her to call the client again. Firefightin