
Showing posts from January, 2021

Early Morning Musings Part 6

  I’m surprised by people who have energy to live. For people with optimism, or joy, or even the sheer will to trudge through the quagmire of decisions, responsibilities- to have these qualities surprises me. Like how? How can they bear this burden?   Are they allwise? Actually knowledgeable of their qualities? Of their decisions, execution of ‘responsibilities’, the ‘burden of decisions’? The fact that their optimism has blinded them to the belief that being blind is ‘living’? Am I that feeble, ignorant, and weak and unwilling to reach this stage to feel the need to live? To make decisions myself and abide by them? Is it time for my ego to shatter?   Or are they mere servants? Of decisions they are afraid to take? And would like to blame in circumstance? I ‘have’ to do this? I ‘have no choice’? I ‘must do this’? Am I the wise one – the awoken? The one who refuses to bend? Or am I so full of myself that I can’t see some omniscient truth?   People say there is ‘a lot to li