
Showing posts from November, 2020

Early Morning Musings Part 5

  Four Drunken Trains of Thoughts   I: Dream is Collapsing A stoic cliff. That’s what one strives to be. Or one is told to be. The waves will keep on crashing into you. Eroding. Chipping away. Ceaseless. Continuous. One after another. Roaring. Breaking. Slamming with force. Silently lapping, nibbling. You, the cliff will remain. First one layer will crumble. Then another. Piece by piece, chunk by chunk, the sea of circumstance will a carve a new cliff. It will still be you, just that you will have lost something. You will be smaller. Steeper. One day the waves will take away your soul. One day your sanity. One day: You. Then the cliff would have been you. It will become empty stone. A shell. Weathered. Wrinkled. Then people will say he WAS a cliff. A stoic. But he allowed the waves to get to him. How noble. How foolish. And they will walk all over the shingled beach. --- II: Broken Contracts: it’s not you, it’s always me. Insidious. That is how I wou