
Showing posts from May, 2013

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  76, Rue de la Boucherie, Maison de les Maréchals, Brest . 25th October 1805. The Emperor, Ulm . My Lord the Emperor, I humbly bow down before you. It is with great regret that I inform you that our navy has been sunk and destroyed along with the Spanish, off the Cape of Trafalgar on the 21st of October. I humbly beg your forgiveness in giving you this news. Admiral Villeneuve has been captured along with the Bucentaure . Admiral Franco Gravina has succumbed. The Brittanic cur Nelson was leading the Royal Navy. It was wrongly informed to us that he had been killed off the Sicilian Coast. It seems his fleet evaded the Spanish patrols at Cadiz to be reunited at Portsmouth; before engaging our navy at Trafalgar. Legends claim that he fought on despite losing an eye and a leg. However our contacts inform us he is no more. It is also with great fear that I inform you that the losses we suffered were great. Whereas we fielded 33 ships-of-the-line against the 27 of th